Friday, February 12, 2016

I have recently gotten into the French press coffee craze (seriously there isn't anything to rival this process to get the full flavor of coffee) so of course I needed to get a coffee grinder. I did want something that takes up much space so that I can store it away when not in use. I also didn't want an electric one because of the noise level those have can be jarring to someone still in bed. After some research, I chose this Apex manual grinder. This is a great working little grinder. It comes in 4 pieces and is easily put together and taken apart. The handle itself comes off which is great for storage since that is a wide point on this. This grinds coffee perfectly for a freshly ground, full flavor cup of coffee. I received this for free or at a discount in exchange for an honest review. I test and scrutinize products I review to the best of my ability, in order to help you make an informed decision. My loyalty is to fellow buyers above all, so I post reviews for all products received for free or at a discount, even if they are less than positive. If anything should change in my opinion of the product, I will update it so that you have the most up to date information. Please feel free to ask any questions #apexselectcoffee

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