Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Pictured here you will see a photo of my newest 2 best friends. I absolutely love Koffee Kult coffee. I had a feeling I would love this when it arrived and I could tell what was in the box, the thick cardboard Amazon box before I even opened it. This coffee, first of all, smells fabulous. (SERIOUSLY make this into a candle) I enjoy smelling it brew. I have used these beans in my french press and in a stovetop espresso maker. The expresso woke me right up and made me feel zingy for hours. Great for first thing in the morning! The french press coffee came out bold yet smooth. It has no bitter after taste at all and I don't need cream or sugar to make this coffee palatable. I love this black. that is a big perk for me since I am on a diet. Not extra calories! I received this for free or at a discount in exchange for an honest review. I test and scrutinize products I review to the best of my ability, in order to help you make an informed decision. My loyalty is to fellow buyers above all, so I post reviews for all products received for free or at a discount, even if they are less than positive. If anything should change in my opinion of the product, I will update it so that you have the most up to date information. Please feel free to ask any questions. #GotADiscount

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